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Final Collection

From December until the month of May, I created a small collection constisting of four garments. My collection was soley evening wear and I used Voodoo as an inspiration. during this process, I created a visual board and from the visual board and research on the subject, i produced about 40 sketches using the last five to create my collection. 


There where many ideas and images I used to pull inpiration from but for my last five sketches, I chose these particular elements: black suede for my applique wich I spray painted gold; the black pig is used in many voodoo cerimonies. Reaserching this topic, I cam across many images of bone use and i stumbled upon a skeleton of a sea horse wich from where I got the shape of my applique.


As for my colors and the reason I chose to do evening wear is because those who do this practice feel as if they are connecting with a higher being or spirituality there for chosing the "royale" color scheme symbolizing that higher power. chosing to do evening wear was the symbol I chose to also get the idea of a higher being across. Most people would like to think that wearing evening wear is when their style is at it's peak.

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